Well, I guess that didn't go as planned
I had hoped to put more stuff up here recently but as it turns out, my blogs are the first thing to go when I get busy so I do apologize about that. This is something that I want to grow and develop, maybe into a full on web-site someday so, other members keep that in mind. If you have suggestions for things to cover or to get more idea rolling out of here post them either in the comments or on the site itself. For those of you who aren't publishers for the blog but have some ideas you would like to see talked about or posted here then shoot me an e-mail and we will talk about it. You can reach me at aaron(dot)beebe(at)gmail(dot)com. Replace the stuff in the () with what it should be. This is just to stop spam. Let me know what we need to do here to keep people coming back.
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